Monday 21 September 2015

What Did You Do This Summer?

What Did You Do This Summer?

So, what did YOU do this summer? Comment down below!

Always, Pointless B. xx

Wildest Dreams

Hello there, readers! No, I'm not here to rant about Taylor Swift's 'Wildest Dreams' song, but I here to talk about my wildest dreams as in my dreams when I sleep. 
Sometimes, dreams can be disturbing, scary, or even lovely. But I experience disturbing + lovely or scary sometimes. It's quite insane, but I'll get over it in few weeks. So, tell me your wildest dreams or the type of it in the comment section below!
Always, Pointless B. xx

Saturday 19 September 2015


Hey there guys! This is my personal blog as you see, but I know you know me, but I'll sign off as Pointless B. So, I'm addicted to novels, especially Young Adults section. But the domain is like Aussie, Swift and books right? That refers to 5SOS, Taylor Swift and books.
Hope you read my blog further more!

Always, Pointless B. xx


Favorite Book : Girl Online

Hey guys! So, everyone must have a favorite book of your own and forever, but I change my favorites almost every time I read a book, so this time, it will be... Girl Online by Zoe Sugg!

Girl Online
Zoe Sugg
My friend, Musical Bunny, (not her real name tho, my nickname for her) she gave me the book to borrow. Well, once I started reading, I never stopped. It was extremely interesting, it was very relating, I mean, a bibliophile like me, who wouldn't say it's not relating? So, a little message for Zoella IF she ever notices this;

Dear Zoella,

I loved your book and I can't wait for you Girl Online : On Tour book to come out, I love to know what else happens to Penny and Noah. Their relationship is cute and I love them, for most of the time, I imagine Penny as you, and Noah as Alfie. So, I'm really looking forward to your book. You're a fabulous Youtuber, a crazy Directioner (just kidding), and a great writer. 

Always, Santhiya a.k.a. Pointless Bibliophila. xx

So, I hope you guys understood the point I wrote this post and tell me what do you think of the book if you read it before in the comment section below!

Always, Pointless B. x